It amazes me how the mainstream horror industry as a whole has been largely avoided by Christians? I am so very tired of horror movies that glorify only evil and violence and neglect to show the other, more powerful side of the equation. I mean, as children of the light, do we not have a mandate to expose and show how utterly weak and powerless the forces of evil really are? Not to say that there is not a strong demonic presence in this world that should be taken lightly. On the contrary, I am saying that we need to tell this world that there is a very real, very powerful, yet invisible battle for their very souls raging all around them - every day. If our spiritual eyes were to be opened - for just a few seconds, what transformation would our lives take?
Can God use the horror genre as a whole for his glory? Absolutely and positively - if we get involved and stop letting the world give us their definition of what SCARY should be.
This post of course, is just an introduction. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas and even arguments to my point.
Come on, what are you afraid of?