However, let's focus on the present. And by that, I mean allow me to look back on a trip we took to the ocean. The weather was beautiful, the food was good, and the kids behaved (for the most part). On the drive home however, we ran into one of the most ferocious storms I've seen in a while. Lightning flashed in rapid succession on seemingly all sides of our car and huge deluges of rain washed over us repeatedly - like we were in nature's homegrown psychotic car wash.
With really no where to pull over and not being familiar with the area, we made the ill-advised decision to drive through the storm. Well, as you might have guessed, we made it through just fine (due to God's divine providence), but not before going way off track, paying a huge toll on a New Jersey highway, and holding our breath most of the way. (I could almost swear that we were the only car - surrounded by monstrous tractor trailers.)
The most interesting part of this whole experience to me was the back seat. My two kids remained fast asleep, napping through the fury of nature. And why not? Dad (and mom) got this under control - I'm tired - They won't let anything happen to us - we're safe - nothing to worry about.
Their calmness and complete trust in their dad reminded me that I too have a father who is in control of my life. I can relax in the back seat and take comfort in the fact that I'm safe and secure while the storm rages around me. He's got the wheel. So often I forget his simple truth and try to take the wheel myself. To put the situation in proper perspective, what would have happened if we let our three-year old take the wheel during the storm and allowed him to try to get us home? Silly of course, but hopefully you see my point.
The refrain from an old hymn we would sing when I was a boy comes to mind.
The raging storms may round us beat,
A Shelter in the time of storm
We’ll never leave our safe retreat,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
If you should happen to encounter a bad storm in your day tomorrow, who's got the wheel in your life?
Let me know....JJZ