Now of course, something did happen. There was a period of darkness where not a whole lot of things could be done until the electricity was restored. The darkness was eerie at times, especially when making my way around dark corners of the hallways, until I could see the emergency lighting ahead. It was those few hours without power made me think, the times in our life when we suffer, when money is low, and our health fails us, the lights are out – but just temporarily. Power will be restored in time, as long as you are in good standing with the supplier of the power. When times are the darkest, I think we often forget that this is only temporary, whether that means a few days, weeks, or even years. But things will be restored and the lights will come back on. Just hang in there.
“…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5
So the next time the lights go out, have your flashlight ready, (faith) look for the emergency lighting, (prayer) and rest in the comfort of knowing that the lights will be back on soon.
Now where did I leave my keys……?