Lots of heat and sun with buckets of swampy, thick humidity. Gallons of iced tea and sitting by the pool was the plan of action for many. But change is coming. Change as in the shorter days, which have already started, along with cooler nights the first sighting of light, fall jackets. The air will soon have a crisp, but gentle bite that lets us know we are still among the living, evidenced by frosty breath and chilly fingers.
In one way, it will be nice to break out the heavier clothes and feel the warmth of a soft, flannel shirt, on a cold and dark morning. But yet, I doubt many of are looking forward to scraping car windows when we are already late for work or getting the kids off to school. Not much fun at all. So what to do?
There isn’t much we can do to change the seasons by our own accord or make the summer last forever. So it is with life I suppose. There are seasons of warm sun and there are seemingly endless days of cold winter. But remember, those days won’t last forever. Perhaps we should just soak in what makes each season so special and be thankful for the place we are presently at? Who knows, it make to heat more bearable and the cold more tolerable?
Just a random thought from a guy fanning himself as he writes this piece. Please excuse me while a grab a glass of iced tea.