I guess I’d call it life in 2021. A pandemic continues on with no real end in sight soon. I was ill for a good part of the year, (non Covid) but am now seeing my health return. Kids are getting older and moving on the new schools despite missing so much in person learning the last eighteen months. People are coming and leaving, and uncertainty remains the only thing which is certain.
I’m not complaining….wait, who am I kidding? Yes I am. Things have not gone very smoothly for me this year and I am betting not so much for you either. There are challenges everywhere and the thin line of security and reason looks much thinner at times now more so than any other time in the past.
BUT….there is still hope! God is still in control of all and that is what matter. Movement and PROGRESS continue toward the unknown, however it is an unknown of known destinations. Even if we are pushed to the edge of the edge, we have a sure foundation that will catch us and set us on our feet – no matter where we land.
On a more personal level, I have finished the manuscript for my newest soon to be book, The Fourth Chamber. I have also started on the final installment of Walker’s Vale titled, Red Sky in Morning. Yes, progress is being made despite opposition on all sides. Additional, I may have some really HUGE news to share in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled as this may be really BIG.
Until next time, remember, with faith in God all things are possible.