You are 10 years old and you've been getting picked on at school lately from a bunch of little punk kids who have the collective IQ of the weight of a bag of half-eaten chips. You've tried to be nice and reason, as much as a 10 year old can, but to no avail. Things are looking dire. No hope....
Ah, but wait - you've got an ace up your sleeve! You see my friend, you just happen to be friends with ALL of the worlds greatest , most powerful, and most trusted super heros around. How could you forget? Now, as you are getting dressed for your new day, you realize there is one dilema: you get to pick ONE to walk you to school that day and be your bud. Who will it be?
Remember, just one, and it can be anyone from any age of super heros, past or present. Oh, me, I think I will take the mighty Captain Marvel, aka, SHAZAM!
He is my favorite super hero, and how you you go wrong walking to school with a huge guy in red tights and a cape. See you kids later........!