Society's idea of "horror" in general is related to movies or other media that depict people being brutally murdered or tortured in the most grotesque or gruesome of ways. To me, this is a very warped and completely one-sided view on what horror can actually be about.
As a Christian, I am quite familiar with horror- it is written all throughout the Bible- right next to the love, grace and everything beautiful that is God. Isn't life full of both good and bad- the lovely and the ugly?
The cross and death of Jesus was probably the most brutal and horrific events recorded, and yet in the midst of the blood and pain and suffering, something beautiful was happening. Sickness and disease were made obeddent becuase of the stripes that were torn into his back. Death, hell and the grave was no longer master because of Jesus' savage execution on the cross. Indescribable, beautiful, eternal life granted at the most horrific and violent scene imaginable. Without the death, there would be no resurrection.
An that is my point; without the pain suffering and decay, how would we know what beauty, healing and salvation are all about? When I see or read "horror" that seems to only glorify the evil or the diabolic, I know they (the author, writer, producer, etc.) are missing the point all together. Are you?